The Nice Guys of San Diego helped facilitate new beach cottages at Camp Pendleton through its Victory Fund. Details on the days event were noted in the Union Tribune and on 10 News.
Operation Caregiver Held Their Final Packing Party Today
Operation Caregiver was conceived and is implemented by our very own "Doc Michael LaMar M.D.". Operation Caregiver has been a grassroots effort by Doc, fundraising by Doc, logistically implemented by Doc, actually, everything through Doc!
Community Excellence Award 2012
The Nice Guys were awarded the Community Excellence Award 2012.
Nice Guys Announce Ted Rossin as 2011 Nice Guy of the Year
San Diego – Nice Guys is holding a lunch on Wednesday July 13, 2011 to announce their “Nice Guy of the Year, Ted Rossin.” Rossin will attend the lunch when the official announcement is made to their general membership: Nice Guys Lunch and Press Conference Wednesday, July 13 11:30 Press...
2011 Golf Tournament
Friday June 10, 2011 - Friday June 10, 2011 Map and Directions | Register Description:This is for the Nice Guys and their friends, it's just for FUN! Friday June 10th 2011 Cottonwood Golf Course "Ivanhoe" Course 10:30 Check In / 12:00 Shotgun Start 4 Person Scramble / Peoria Format Golf,...